Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Laura Sharp Wilson

I was working in my studio this morning on some smaller pieces when my mind wandered to the work of Laura Sharp Wilson, an artist I encountered at the Byron Cohen Gallery in Kansas City, Missouri. I went running to my computer to look for images and info. I snapped the photos below at her exhibition, Sculptures, way back in 2005. I was and still am attracted to Wislon's careful use of texture and attention to detail...not to mention the playful, alien, cute yet strangely dangerous world I find myself immersed in. I love the painstaking work with little pieces of paper, bits of clay, natural materials, cloth, and dabs of paint.

From what I can gather online, Wilson currently lives and works in Salt Lake City, Utah. I can't find images of her sculptures, save what I have squirreled away in my files, but I do see lots and lots of paintings such as the one above. You can see a selection her current work at McKenzie Fine Art Inc.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Meghan Currie Yoga

In some ways, this post may seem a bit off topic.
Afterall, I am usually posting about art, not yoga. However, this video really struck me on a couple of different levels. First, as someone who has done yoga for years, I was amazed by Currie's strength and control. I am in awe of her discipline and the obvious commitment to her practice...these are things that are essential as an artist too. Second, this video has an animated quality which I am always interested in. Chopping up otherwise smooth movement and speeding it up in this case, along with the soundtrack, makes me look at it in a whole new way. Last, it is awesome to see the body flex and many forms and positions and ways of balancing. The maker in me is excited about the many ways Currie's form interacts with the ground.

You can visit Meghan Currie's website here.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Kate Budd: Elegant and disturbing forms I want to hold in my hand.

Recently, a new friend suggested I look up Kate Budd. I did and now I can't get enough. I love the simplicity of form and the tremendous attention to surface.Wow! She can really transform materials. Graphite over wax...who knew! Take a look below and then make a beeline to her website for more: